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10 Things to Tell Your Mom This Mother’s Day

I think we can all agree that the older we get the more we realize just how much our mothers had to put up with while raising us. From chauffeuring...

How Imperfect People Can Do Great Things

Whether we wish we could serve the poor and alleviate suffering like Mother Teresa or pioneer critical scientific research like Marie Curie, we all dream of doing beautiful, world-changing things...

25 Journal Prompts For Self-Reflection

Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. William Wordsworth Journaling can be an incredible means to catalog our thoughts and provide a better understanding of ourselves. When we...

Why We Should Look Forward to Getting Older

As women, one of our greatest collective fears seems to be the fear of growing older. I mean, be honest: When was the last time someone you know actually looked forward to...

On Telling Our Inner Critic To Quit It

As much as we all want to be confident, self-assured women, there’s a nagging little voice inside our head that tries to tell us we can’t be — that we’re inadequate, we’re...

35 Things to Cross Off Your Winter Bucket List

As someone who grew up in Minnesota and now lives in southern California, I’ve experienced winter in all of its forms — from harsh blizzards to mild rains to full-on...